Brontothere skull (Megacerops sp.)

Brontothere skull (Megacerops sp.), UCM 53576.
Brontotheres ("thunder-beasts") are an extinct group of mammals that lived in Europe, Asia and North America, about 35 million years ago. They were the giants of their time rivaling today's largest elephants. Although they were herbivores, they are thought to have been quite aggressive, perhaps among themselves. The study of early mammals is one of the specialities of the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History.
Fossils are most often found broken and missing components. This skull, found in Nebraska in the 1980s, was in fragments. It was painstakingly restored by Museum volunteers, Jon Bennet and Keith Minor, who spent more than 100 hours at the task.
At the Museum, volunteers may help with fossil preparation, public events, tours, and activities in other Museum Sections. Check out the Get Involved! section of our website to find out how you can help the Museum!
"I've had tremendous fun doing this, and have learned new skills along the way. It's satisfying to know that now other people can look at it and get a sense of how the animal appeared in life. I wouldn't have traded the experience."
-Jon Bennet (2004)