Zoology students in the field Student on archaeological dig MFS student in the field ivy


The culmination of a Museum and Field Studies student's program is the Master's thesis or project. The thesis may be of research, expository, critical or creative nature, and typically focuses on a more traditionally academic topic related to museum work. A project should be an original development of materials, procedures, programs, or other practical information relevant to the student's specialty discipline and intended for direct museum application.

For more information:

Please discuss whether you are interested in a thesis or project with your prospective advisor before applying to the program.

What Topics Do Students Study?

Following is a list of the Project and Thesis titles submitted to the graduate school over the past three years. An all-inclusive list of titles is available in the Museum and Field Studies office.

2008 Graduates

  • Jess Anderson-Milhausen, Frozen Organic Artifacts, Museum Practice, and Community Archeology: An Example from Alaska's Wrangell St. Elias National Park (thesis)
  • Katie Bowell, Art in the Ark: The Incorporation of Fine Art Installations into Live Animal Exhibits (project)
  • Kathy Hollis, Using taphonomic disparity to understand preservation biases in the Western Interior Seaway: An example from the Pierre Shale (Upper Cretaceous) Mollusca, University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Collection (thesis)
  • Bethany Lewis, A Floristic Survey of the Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge Complex, North Park, Colorado and Laramie Plans, Wyoming (thesis)
  • Sommer McGuire, Retelling the Hispano Story ~ An Exhibit Re-Design at the Colorado History Museum (project)
  • Aspen Padilla, Faunal Description and Paleobiology of Eocene Sharks from Banks Island in the Canadian High Arctic (thesis)
  • Katy Putsavage, Black and White ceramic mugs from the Southwestern US (thesis)

2007 Graduates

  • Kristian Anderson, Generation Y-Not: A Look at Millennials and Museums (thesis)
  • Eric Chapman, Curatorial Procedures for Anomalous Fossils: A Case Study of Unusual Cylindrical Casts from the Two Medicine Formation (Late Cretaceous of Montana) (thesis)
  • Karen Lloyd, An Investigation and Comparison of the Late Eocene (Chadronian) Mammalian Fauna of High Plains and Montane Communities of Colorado (thesis)
  • Kelli O'Leary, Museums Reaching Communities: A Case Study of the 2005 IMLS National Award Recipients (thesis)
  • Pamela Regensburg, A Floristic Survey of the Baca National Wildlife Refuge, San Luis Valley, Colorado (thesis)

2006 Graduates

  • Sarah Beggs, Community Connections (project)
  • Rhea Gavounas, Visitor Perception and University Museum Websites (project)
  • Lauren Golten, Creating a Library of Calls of Bats within the University of Colorado Museum, in the Service of Biodiversity Conservation (project)
  • Mardy Harrold, A Field Guide to the Freshwater Mollusks of Colorado (project)
  • Lindsay Jones, Gifts Given by the Creator: An Online Exhibition of Contemporary American Indian Art (thesis) (link)
  • Heather McKeown, Study of a Greek Amphora at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (thesis)
  • Roxana Raska, Analysis of an Ivory Work in the Colorado Collection (thesis)
  • Samantha Sands, Expanding Educational Resources at the University of Colorado Museum: An Investigation of Local Outreach Programs (project)
  • Amy Wilkinson, Continuing the Legacy: An Online Exhibit of the CU Museum's Southwestern Textile Collection (project)

University of Colorado at Boulder

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tel: 303.492.6892 fax: 303.492.4195
For questions or comments, please email cumuseum@colorado.edu
© Regents of the University of Colorado.