Expenses for students attending the University of Colorado at Boulder vary, depending on the number of credit hours taken, the student's residency classification, fees, insurance, assistantships, etc. For Professional Certficiate students, expenses will vary depending on whether a student is enrolled as a full-time student in another graduate program or is enrolled as a museum professional through Continuing Education. Exact expense quotes cannot be provided.
A resident graduate student, taking nine hours of credit would pay approximately $4,689 plus fees per semester for the 2011-2012 academic year. A non-resident graduate student, taking nine hours of credit would pay approximately $12,627 plus fees per semester for the 2011-2012 academic year. The Board of Regents reserves the right to change the costs of tuition and fees at any time, and it should be expected that costs will increase based on residency, degree, and number of credit hours. Please visit the Bursar's Office Tuition and Fees Rate Sheets Tuition and Fees website for more up-to-date tuition information.
All students enrolled for 6 credit hours or more will automatically be assessed for student health insurance, which provides up to 100% coverage for eligible medical costs incurred at Wardenburg Student Health Center. If you do not wish to purchase student health insurance, you must provide proof of insurance and complete a waiver to remove this charge from your bill. For more information, see the Graduate Program's Student Health Insurance webpage.
Resident Classification requirements are set by University policy. If you would like to know more about residency classification at the University of Colorado Boulder, please see the Residency Classification webpage.