The Museum and Field Studies Graduate Program only admits applicants for fall semester. The deadline is January 15 of the same calendar year. All application materials must be received by this deadline.
Where to Send Your Materials:
To ensure that supplemental materials you send to us are matched with your application file, print a copy of your application as a cover sheet for the items you mail to Admissions.
Domestic Applicants:
Transcripts and other supporting materials required by Museum & Field Studies should be sent directly to:
Graduate Admissions
University of Colorado Boulder
553 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0553
For overnight or express mail send to:
Graduate Admissions
University of Colorado Boulder
3100 Marine St Bldg RL3
Ste A122
Boulder, CO 80303-1058
(303) 492-6301
All International Applicants:
Transcripts and other supporting materials required by Museum & Field Studies should be sent directly to:
Overnight/Express Mailing Address (DHL, UPS, Fedex)
Office of Admissions/International
University of Colorado Boulder
3100 Marine Street – 65 UCB
BLDG RL3 Suite A122
Boulder, CO 80303-1058 USA
For standard international mail or mail within the US, including USPS Priority and Express:
Office of Admissions/International
University of Colorado Boulder
3100 Marine St Suite A122
65 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0065 USA
Applications will be reviewed January through March, and notification should take place by mid-April. Acceptance will be determined by the Admissions Committee of the Museum in consultation with the department pertinent to the student's discipline, if appropriate. For Master's students, the student must be accepted by an advisor in his or her discipline.
Master's Application Requirements
The application consists of the following materials for prospective Master's students:
- Master's Program Application (web form, major code GR-MFST)
- Department Supplemental Form (PDF, 62 KB, requires Adobe's free Acrobat Reader or Apple's Preview to view)
- One (1) Official Transcript from each college or university attended.
- Three (3) Letters of Recommendation (use of forms is optional; may be submitted electronically).
- Personal Statement: The Personal Statement is your opportunity to provide any additional information that you feel would be valuable to the admissions committee. It is one of the most important parts of the application. The statement may include, but is not limited to, topics such as personal background, reasons for choosing this program, and explanations or clarification of previous study or work. Please limit the statement to two pages.
- Application Fee: of $50 ($70 for international students) is payable on-line at the time of application or payable to the UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO by check or money order..
- GRE Scores: General GRE scores are required (verbal, quantitative, analytical writing). Applicants may submit scores from the subject section of the GRE if she or he feels they would be helpful. Please send a photocopy of your personal copy of the GRE scores and have Educational Testing Service send (transmit) scores to the University of Colorado (institution code 4841). Applicants are required to have taken the GRE by December 15th of the previous year in order to be considered for admission.
Prospective Master's students may also submit an original work sample if desired, but this is not a requirement:
- Original Work Sample (optional): Applicants may submit a sample of previous work if they feel it would be helpful. Samples should be representative of past accomplishments and may include such things as graphics work, an exhibit design, a program plan, a museum guide or any other writing sample or project that you feel is relevant.
Professional Certificate Application Requirements
Graduate students already enrolled in other departments are required to submit all items except the GRE scores and the application fee (original work sample is optional). Because many of these items have also been submitted to the student's primary department, the other department may forward copies of these items to the Museum and Field Studies program at the student's request.
Please note that certificate students should contact the MFS Graduate Coordinator for a paper program application form rather than using the web form.
Send all application and supplemental materials to:
Museum and Field Studies Program
218 UCB
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0218
Museum professionals not enrolled in another graduate program at CU are required to submit all parts of the application except the GRE scores and the application fee (original work sample is required).
Continuing Education may also have application requirements or forms beyond the program requirements for the Professional Certificate; consult with them to determine whether there are additional requirements. Continuing Education can be reached at the following address: 1505 University Avenue, University of Colorado at Boulder, 178 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309-0178; 303-492-5148.
Download Application Process (PDF, 197 KB)
PDF files require Adobe's free Acrobat Reader or Apple's Preview to view.