Ecology and Evolutionary Biology/Geological Sciences

Photo of Kevin Webster

Currently I am working on the taphonomy and paleoecology of the arthropod-bearing concretions of the Barstow Formation of southern California. Previously, I worked on taphonomy and preservation biases of cephalopods and bivalves in the Pierre Seaway of Late Cretaceous Maastrichtian North America.

My interests are broad. Currently I am interested in the microbial processes that affect Konservat-Lagerstätten formation, and how microbial metabolism affects the preservation of various kinds of soft tissue. I have a soft spot for the evolution of early visible life. As such, I am interested in Ediacaran- and Burgess-type faunas.

Outside of paleontology, I am really into insect flight dynamics, specifically those of dragonflies and lacewings. I enjoy the study of photosynthetic bacteria in desert environments, as well as how humans may be influencing the evolution of other species on this planet. Astrobiology is also fascinating to me.

Outside of the hard sciences I am extremely into linguistics and enjoy learning other languages. In my free time, I try to write fiction.

Kevin's CV

Field Photos

Florissant Fossil Beds Field Trip, September 2008. From left to right: Dena Smith, Carter Casad, Chrissy Spence, Kevin Webster, Mary Ellen Benson, Blake Stepan, Jenell Thoene.

Kevin and Jenell looking for fossils.

Kevin looking for fossils.

University of Colorado at Boulder

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