Insect Species List
The insects are listed alphabetically within order, family, and genus. Every effort is made to update nomenclature. However, we suggest that when you are looking for a species, you also check for junior synonyms. Please report name changes and mispellings to Virginia Scott. Last updated December 27, 2006.
Species Type Specimen List
Download and/or print a report of the University of Colorado Museum's insect type specimens.
Orthoptera Collection
The Entomology Section's Orthoptera database currently consists of 37,000 grasshoppers that were collected in Colorado from the early 1900s to the present. In the future, we will add all non-grasshopper Orthoptera (katydids and crickets) that are in the collection to the database. This database is part of the Gordon Alexander Project. The above link will take you to the Project's website.
Bees of Colorado
The 2011 publication on The Bees of Colorado is available for download.