Before You Visit
Remember to call and schedule the program at least two weeks in advance.
Discuss the upcoming trip with your students and how this trip relates to your classroom studies.
Be sure to inform the chaperones of your expectations and that the docents may be requesting their help. Be sure to provide and background information on the program, the location of the museum, and transportation and parking options.
If possible, visit the museum before your class trip to orient yourself and explore the exhibits and facilities.
What to Expect During Your Visit
We are a small museum located on the University of Colorado at Boulder campus. Programs and workshop take place in one of our four exhibit galleries, and each program is approximately one hour long. All programs and workshops are presented by trained staff, students, or volunteers.
Lunch Options
Lunch facilities are available at the University Memorial Center, right next to the museum. If the weather is amenable, there are also several outdoor areas to eat. Unfortunately, the museum itself does not have any spaces that are appropriate for student lunch. Please ask for directions on where to eat when you schedule your visit.
After Your Visit
Following the program or workshop, you are welcome to explore the museum on your own. When you are back in your classroom, we recommend you discuss the program with your students. Discuss the positive and negative experiences of the visit or questions the program may have raised. This is an excellent opportunity to have your class journal about their experiences.
We encourage students to bring their families to the museum.
For additional information on how you can make your visit a success, please see our Suggestions for Success: Museum Field Trips (this is a PDF file and requires Adobe's free Acrobat Reader).