Clark Scholarship Fund
PURPOSE: To support Native American students in museum studies and museum-related studies, such as life sciences, earth sciences, history, fine arts, and anthropology.
QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must be Native American, and first time applicants are given preference.
GRANT AMOUNT: Generally, up to $2,500 for a 12-month period. Under normal circumstances awards are not renewable.
APPLICATION: Applicants should consult with a curator of the appropriate Museum Section: Anthropology, Botany, Entomology, Paleontology, Zoology, Museum & Field Studies, or Public Museum. Please check the CU Museum website for contact information.
Applications should include a letter indicating how the award will be used, a budget, transcript, and two letters of recommendation to the museum award committee.
All work performed is for the general benefit of the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History. Equipment or other materials purchased with award monies are property of the Museum. Project results, such as slides, voucher specimens, and reports shall be offered to and may become property of the Museum. A brief final report must be submitted to the Museum.
DEADLINES: Deadline for application is March 2nd; notification of awards by April 1st. The award period begins May 1st and ends the following May 31st at which time any unspent balance usually reverts to the fund.
Address inquiries and proposals to
Museum Award Committee
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History
218 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0218
Or contact
Susan Reinke, Museum Administration
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