Museum Awards Program:
PURPOSE: To encourage interest in museum activities by providing support for selected students in museum-related studies, including the life sciences, earth sciences, history, fine arts, and anthropology. Awards are funded by the William H. Burt Museum Fund.
QUALIFICATIONS: University of Colorado, Boulder students with excellent scholastic record in the museum or a natural history or humanities department. CU undergraduate and graduate students, as well as Colorado citizens are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to first time applicants.
GRANT AMOUNT: One request may be submitted per applicant and the award request may not exceed $1,200. The award is to be applied to a project within 12 months of when the award was granted (May 1).
Application Instructions and Forms
Application Deadline: March 1, 2013.
April 2, 2012
The CU Museum announced this year's recipients of the William H. Burt award supporting the annual Museum Student Research Awards program.
Each year, the CU Museum is proud to support students conducting dynamic research in museum-related fields, including earth and life sciences, history, fine arts, and anthropology. William H. Burt Awards are given to students whose research makes significant contributions to natural history, especially mammalogy.
This year's recipients are: Danyelle Dosunmu, Caitlin Kelly, Rick Levy, Anthony Massaro, Jonathan O'Brien, Sarah Orlofske, Jacob Sedig, Emma Shubin, Sarah Snow, and Tim Szewczyk.
Congratulations to this year's recipients for their outstanding proposals!
Clark Scholarship Fund:
PURPOSE: To support Native American students in museum studies and museum-related studies, such as life sciences, earth sciences, history, fine arts, and anthropology.
QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must be Native American, and first time applicants are given preference.
GRANT AMOUNT: Generally, up to $2,500 for a 12-month period. Under normal circumstances awards are not renewable.