Stone Lace  
The Fragile World of Florissant Fossils  
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December 9, 2004 - January 15, 2006

Come see a selection of fossils from one of the best fossil collections in the world!

Since the discovery of the Florissant Fossil Beds in 1873, paleontologists have come to the ancient lake basin nestled in rolling hills and an open meadow to collect fossils. Florissant, located about an hour west of Colorado Springs, is one of the world's richest fossil sites, boasting more than 1,700 diverse fossil species - many of insects and plants that are rarely preserved. Because the fossils developed from very fine volcanic ash matter, many delicate plants and insects from the Eocene have been perfectly preserved. This level of detail and preservation reveals much about the evolution of plant and animal communities and supplies important information about the climate of ancient Colorado.

Stone Lace presents rarely seen fossils from the Museum's collection - making this a unique opportunity for visitors to admire these ancient treasures.

Museum Research Specimens on Display Cockerell Connection References