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To view larger versions of the images below, click on a thumbnail image or the specimen name. The larger version will display in a new browser window. Use the page number links below the images to go to the next page.

Image of a drawer containing specimens from the Bye ethnobotanical collection
The Robert Bye Ethnobotanical Collection
Achillea lanulosa Nuttall (Yarrow) Bye-538 and Monarda cf. pectinata Nuttall (Wild oregano) Bye-536

Bye, Robert A. and Edelmira Linares (1983) "The Role of Plants Found in the Mexican Markets and Their Importance in Ethnobotanical Studies." Journal of Ethnobiology 3(1):1-13.

Bye, Robert A. & Edelmira Linares (1986) "Ethnobotanical Notes From the Valley of San Luis, Colorado." Journal of Ethnobiology 6(2):289-306.

Curtin, Laura S., Michael Moore, Mimi Kamp, & Mary Austin (1997) Healing Herbs of the Upper Rio Grande: Traditional Medicine of the Southwest. Western Edge Press (revised edition).

Image of a labret and a stretcher
Labret and Stretcher
Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, Late 19th Century UCM-24106, 24323

Damas, David, ed. 1984 Arctic. Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 5, Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C.

Spencer, Robert F. 1959 The North Alaskan Eskimo, a Study in Ecology and Society, BAE Bulletin 171, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.

Image of a paper wasp
European Paper Wasp
Polistes dominulus Family Vespidae UCM-0010431

The European Paper Wasp, Polistes dominulus by Bob Hammon

Nuisance Wasps and Bees by W.S. Cranshaw

Dominulus or European Paper Wasps, Polistes dominulus by Steve Jacobs, Sr.

Image of leaf cutting bee
Leaf-cutting Bee
Megachile praedicta Family Megachilidae UCM-4542 (holotype specimen)
Leaf with damage made by Megachile praedicta UCM-4543

Meyer, Herbert W. 2003 The Fossils of Florissant. Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington, DC.

Image of mussel shell
Freshwater Mussel
Megalonaias gigantea Family Unionidae UCM-3493

References forthcoming

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