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Achillea lanulosa Nuttall (Yarrow) Bye-538 and Monarda cf. pectinata Nuttall (Wild oregano) Bye-536
Bye, Robert A. and Edelmira Linares (1983) "The Role of Plants Found in the Mexican Markets and Their Importance in Ethnobotanical Studies." Journal of Ethnobiology 3(1):1-13.
Bye, Robert A. & Edelmira Linares (1986) "Ethnobotanical Notes From the Valley of San Luis, Colorado." Journal of Ethnobiology 6(2):289-306.
Curtin, Laura S., Michael Moore, Mimi Kamp, & Mary Austin (1997) Healing Herbs of the Upper Rio Grande: Traditional Medicine of the Southwest. Western Edge Press (revised edition).
Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, Late 19th Century UCM-24106, 24323
Damas, David, ed. 1984 Arctic. Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 5, Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C.
Spencer, Robert F. 1959 The North Alaskan Eskimo, a Study in Ecology and Society, BAE Bulletin 171, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.
Polistes dominulus Family Vespidae UCM-0010431
The European Paper Wasp, Polistes dominulus by Bob Hammon
Nuisance Wasps and Bees by W.S. Cranshaw
Dominulus or European Paper Wasps, Polistes dominulus by Steve Jacobs, Sr.