Image of Justin Tweet
Justin Tweet


Graduate Student


Image of an iguana skull

Project 1: Iguana Skull - Pen and Ink

I chose this subject because I like iguanas and I knew we had a nice skull in the teaching collection. I blew it up and did it with a multitude of tiny, tiny ink strokes in a modified cross-hatch, which I think worked extremely well. This is, I think, the best project I did for this class. If I did it again, I’d complete the broken temporal arch.

Image of Eupoecila australasiae

Project 3: Eupoecila australasiae - Watercolor Pencil

This is watercolor pencil with a hint of pen, and is a stretch in both medium and subject. I think it looks better at a distance, but the color and three-dimensionality are about right.

Image of Thescelosaurus neglectus

Project 2a: Thescelosaurus neglectus - Pencil

This subject is my favorite dinosaur, so it was a natural. I had some photographs and technical works, so I used them together to get this odd angle. The fine detail is one of the best parts, but its hard to see.

Image of Garfield the Thescelosaurus

Project 2b: Garfield the Thescelosaurus, Watercolor and Watercolor Pencil

As a bonus for the Thescelosaurus, here it is in watercolor and watercolor pencil. The name is for obvious reasons. It turned out much better than I feared, but it’s not perfect. Still, the color and patterning emphasize the roundness.